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Post by Pilot Anggi 7th June 2011, 01:08

Panduan RTF cepat

Ini adalah panduan RTF cepat & efisien, non resmi/baku dan tidak untuk exam. Berguna untuk mempermudah anda yang baru belajar terbang online di IVAO agar tidak bingung how to communicate.

Untuk mempermudah, contoh dibawah adalah traffic GIA734 (callsign = Indonesia 734) dengan tujuan Jakarta ke Surabaya, dengan ATC mulai WIII_TWR, WIII_APP, WIIZ_CTR, WRRZ_CTR, WARR_APP & WARR_TWR

Flight Plan GIA734:


Let's story begin :

1. On Initial Contact with WIII_TWR

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indonesia 734 radio check !"

"Indonesia 734, Soeta Tower, read you 5 by 5"

2. Request IFR Clearence

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indonesia 734 with information DELTA, request IFR Clearence to Juanda Surabaya Flight Level 330, ready to copy"

"Indonesia 734, standby for clearance"

GIA734 :
"Standby, Indonesia 734"

"Indonesia 734, ATC Clearance available!"

GIA734 :
"Ready to copy, Indonesia 734"

"Indonesia 734, clear IFR to Juanda Airport Flight, via G461, flight level 330, follow Halim one juliet departure runway 25 Right, squawk 7201"

GIA734 :
"Cleared IFR to Juanda Airport Flight, via G461, flight level 330, follow Halim one juliet departure, squawk 7201, Indonesia 734"

"Indonesia 734, readback corect, report when ready for push and start"

GIA734 :
"Will report when ready for push and start, Indonesia 734"

3. Pushback, engine start & Taxi

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indonesia 734 ready for push and start"

"Indonesia 734, push and start approved, expect taxiway November Charlie (NC) 3, report ready for taxi"

GIA734 :
"Push and start approve expect taxiway November Charlie (NC) 3, wilco, Indonesia 734"

<after pushback & startup completed>

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indoneisa 734 ready for taxi"

"Indonesia 734, taxi to holding position November (N) 1, holdshort runway 25R, via taxiway November Charlie (NC) 3, November Papa (NP) 1, report on short"

GIA734 :
"Taxi to holding position November (N) 1 via taxiway November Charlie (NC) 3, November Papa (NP) 1, will report on short runway 25R, Indonesia 734"

4. Lining Up & Take off

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indonesia 734 on short runway 25R"

"Indonesia 734, continue line up and wait runway 25R, squawk mode ON (or Charlie), report ready for departure"

GIA734 :
"Lining up and wait runway 25R, wilco, Indonesia 734"

<when GIA734 has established on r/w 25R>

GIA734 :
"Soeta Tower, Indonesia 734, ready for departure"

"Indonesia 734, wind 240 at 08 knots, QNH 1011, runway 25R clear for takeoff"

GIA734 :
"Wind copied, QNH 1011, clear for take off runway 25R"

<when airborne or have positive climbing/gear up>

GIA734 :
"Indonesia 734, airborne"

"Indonesia 734, proceed SID, contact Jakarta Approach on one one niner decimal seven five (119,75), bye"

GIA734 :
"Contact Jakarta Approach on one one niner decimal seven five (119,75), Indonesia 734, bye bye"

5. Initial contact and contact with WIII_APP

GIA734 :
"Jakarta Approach, Indonesia 734, information DELTA passing 3000 feet climbing to flight level 330, Halim 1 juliet, with you"

"Indonesia 734, radar identified, cancel SID, clear direct KASAL, climb to final flight level 330, report passing flight level 210"

GIA734 :
"direct KASAL will report passing flight level 210, Indonesia 734"

<when passing FL210 for final FL330>

GIA734 :
"Jakarta approach, Indonesia 734 passing flight level 210"

"Indonesia 734, contact Jakarta Center at one two zero decimal niner zero (120.90), bye bye"

GIA734 :
"Jakarta Center at one two zero decimal niner zero (120.90) for Indonesia 734, bye"

6. Initial Contact & contact with WIIZ_CTR

GIA734 :
"Jakarta Center, Indonesia 734 climb to flight level 330, inbound KASAL with you"

"Indonesia 734, Jakarta Center, radar contact proceed as filed, climb and maintain flight level 330 report passing Alpha November Yankee (ANY)"

GIA734 :
"Climb and maintain flight level 330, call you passing Alpha November Yankee (ANY), Indonesia 734"

<when passing ANY>

GIA734 :
"Jakarta Center, Indonesia 734 passing Alpha November Yankie (ANY) flight level 330"

"Indonesia 734, contact Bali/Ujung West Center at one two eight decimal one zero (128.10), bye bye"

GIA734 :
"Contact Bali/Ujung West Center at one two eight decimal one zero (128.10), Indonesia 734, bye"

7. Initial Contact & contact with WRRZ_CTR

GIA734 :
"Bali/Ujung West Center, Indonesia 734 passing Alpha November Yankie (ANY) for Bravo Alpha (BA) flight level 330 with you"

"Indonesia 734, Bali/Ujung West Center, radar contact, continue Bravo Alpha, expect Blora 1 Alpha arrival ILS approach runway 10, report ready for descend"

GIA734 :
"Expect Blora 1 Alpha arrival ILS approach runway 10, call you ready for descend, Indonesia 734"

<when you're inbound closing BA and ready for descending>

GIA734 :
"Bali/Ujung West Center, Indonesia 734 ready for descend"

"Indonesia 734, descend and maintain flight level 150, report reaching"

GIA734 :
"descent flight level 150, wilco, Indonesia734"

<when reaching FL150>

GIA734 :
"Bali/Ujung West Center, Indonesia 734 reaching flight level 150"

"Indonesia 734, contact Surabaya Approach at one one niner decimal one zero (119.10), bye bye"

GIA734 :
"Surabaya Approach at one one niner decimal one zero (119.10) for Indonesia 734, bye, thank you"

8. Initial Contact & contact with WARR_APP

GIA734 :
"Surabaya Approach, Indonesia 734 with information November at flight level 150 Blora 1 alpha arrival with you"

"Indonesia 734, Surabaya Approach, information November correct, continue descend and maintain 7000feet, QNH 1008, report reaching"

GIA734 :
"Descend and maintain 7000feet QNH 1008, call you reaching, Indonesia 734"

<when reaching 7000feet>

GIA734 :
"Surabaya Approach, Indonesia 734 reaching 7000feet"

"Indonesia 734, turn left heading 090, continue descent 3000feet, vector ILS r/w 10"

GIA734 :
"Turn left heading 090, descent 3000feet, Indonesia 734"

"Indonesia 734, turn right heading 100, cont descent and maintain 2500feet"

GIA734 :
"Turn right heading 100, descent 2500feet, Indonesia 734"

"Indonesia 734, turn right heading 130, clear for ILS runway 10 approach, report established localizer"

GIA734 :
"Turn right heading 130, clear for ILS runway 10, call you when established, Indonesia 734"

<when Glide Slope & Glide path established>

GIA734 :
"Surabaya Approach, Indonesia 734 established ILS runway 10"

"Indonesia 734, continue approach, contact Juanda Tower at one one eight decimal three zero (118.30), happy landing"

GIA734 :
"Juanda Tower at one one eight decimal three zero (118.30), thank you"

9. Initial contact & contact with WARR_TWR

GIA734 :
"Juanda Tower, Indonesia 734 information NOVEMBER established ILS runway 10"

"Indonesia 734, Juanda Tower, NOVEMBER correct, continue approach runway 10"

GIA734 :
"Continue approach rwy 10, Indonesia 734"

10. Landing clearence, runway vacated, taxi to gate & on block

"Indonesia 734, QNH 1008 wind 090 at 10 knots, runway 10, clear to land"

GIA734 :
"QNH1008 wind copied, cleared to land runway 10, Indonesia 734"

<touchdown and after runway vacated>

GIA734 :
"Juanda Tower, Indonesia 734 vacated runway on November (N) 3, request taxi to gate"

"Indonesia 734, squawk standby, cont taxi to gate of choice via taxiway November (N) 3, November Papa (NP) 1, November (N) 4, report on block"

GIA734 :
"Taxi to gate of choice via taxiway November (N) 3, November Papa (NP) 1, November (N) 4, call you on block, Indonesia 734"

<when on gate>

GIA734 :
"Juanda Tower, Indonesia 734 onblock"

"Indonesia 734, flightplan closed, welcome to Juanda airport, switch to UNICOM one two two decimal eight zero (122.80), see you next departure"

GIA734 :
"Flightplan close, switch to UNICOM one two two decimal eight zero (122.80) for Indonesia 734, thanks for your service, selamat siang."


RTF Basic di atas ini tidak sepenuhnya baku / standar, dituliskan hanya untuk membantu anda mengenal procedure komunikasi terbang online, jadi mohon tidak digunakan sepenuhnya pada waktu examination.

Khusus untuk examination, anda dapat membaca petunjuk RTF baku di http://www.ivao.aero/training/downloads/ICAO/Doc%209432%20-%20Manual%20of%20Radiotelephony.rar

Anda dapat meng-copy contoh RTF di atas dan mengganti callsignnya dengan callsign Anda sebagai panduan mempermudah Anda setiap Anda terbang online at IVAO.

Semoga bermanfaat Wink

Mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan adalah karena keterbatasan saya selaku manusia. Silahkan rekan2 Staff IVAO-ID untuk menambahkan jika ada yang kurang atau ada yang lupa dituliskan pada panduan ini.

Enjoy the flight, keep it FUN, as real as gets, see you in IVAO skies !

source. http://id.forum.ivao.aero/index.php/topic,111164.0.html
Danang Pariadji
Pilot Anggi
Pilot Anggi

Jumlah posting : 15
Join date : 06.06.11
Age : 27
Lokasi : WAOI


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